Looking Up the Rig - Drilling in the Flint Hills of Kansas
Black Star 231 Corp. has been licensed by the State of Kansas since 1995 to drill and operate oil and gas wells. The company is wholly owned by Jim Pryor, who has been active in the oil and gas industry since 1984. During his first dozen years in the industry, Pryor devoted most of his time and efforts to developing leases in Kansas through Pryor Oil Co., Inc., which he also owned. In the 1990's, Pryor Oil focused its attention on developing new fields in Tennessee. In 2001, Black Star renewed exploration for new fields in Kansas.
In addition to Pryor's expertise, the company relies on seasoned geologists, experienced drillers, and established industry contractors in all its drilling programs. For legal matters such as title examination, preparation of leases and other legal documents, and other legal matters the company turns to John Chappell, an attorney with more than forty years in the practice of oil and gas law.
A Black Star well - Winter in the Flint Hills of Kansas
The combination of talent and experience gives Black Star 231 a leg up in the pursuit of "black gold". However, Black Star 231 has gone even further to improve the odds of success, by investing in extensive seismic surveys with three-dimensional mapping to locate prime prospects overlooked in the past. Black Star 231 is convinced that millions of barrels of Kansas oil remain untapped, and has its vision focused on finding that oil, producing it and bringing it to market.
A Black Star well at sunset in the Flint Hills of Kansas